

Phone: +86-13869607977
Fax: +86-536-5838005 
E-mail: 2633442136@qq.com

Bag Washing Machine

Name:Bag Washing Machine


Mainly used for high temperature sterilization, grease, dirt surface product continuous cleaning and drying, can be customized, and can be directly incorporated into the packing line for water production.

Standard type

Output: 2-3T/H

Power: 3.3KW/H

Water consumption: 0.5T/H

Dimensions: 2500 x 800mm

Copyright: @ 2008-2012 Aetna Zhucheng Machinery Co., Ltd. Site Record number: Lu ICP 09012435 Technical Support: HENGTAI Internet Phone:13869607977(Manager Zhang) E-mail:2633442136@qq.com Address: Shandong Zhucheng Xue Hall Road East Industrial Zone on the north side (east and south outer outer intersection east 2.5 km) Zip: 262200
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